
For the first (and probably only) time EVER, a group of donors is offering to FIVE TIMES MATCH all gifts to help Amy McGrath defeat Mitch McConnell and take back the Senate!

This match publicly begins tomorrow, but we’re emailing you as one of our top supporters to offer you early access tonight: Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now (becomes $25!) and get every dollar five times matched to help Amy McGrath send McConnell packing?

We have never had a match opportunity like this before, and it could not have come at a better moment.

The Washington Post just called Kentucky’s Senate race “competitive” and said it “could flip!” And with CNN saying that Amy McGrath is the “key to the Senate majority,” the stakes could not be higher.

A new poll shows this race is neck-and-neck, and everyone from Nate Silver to Rachel Maddow says that Amy McGrath absolutely has a shot. But right now, we’re falling dangerously short of our $350,000 goal, and we’re counting on you to give now and have every dollar go FIVE TIMES as far if Amy McGrath is going to win:

Please, before our critical deadline, will you give $5 or more now and get every dollar FIVE TIMES MATCHED to help Amy McGrath defeat Mitch McConnell, take back the Senate, and protect the future of the Supreme Court?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for helping us make the most of this incredibly rare opportunity,

The Ditch Mitch Fund