From Kendahl Hawkins <>
Subject Budget gaps
Date October 24, 2020 11:00 PM
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Friend — as a finance director, the worst thing you can have in the final days of an election is a budget gap.

And we’re facing one right now. If we don’t catch up to our projections quickly, we’ll have to drastically cut back on the amount of voter contact we can do.

And in a race as competitive as this one, with national attention and polling statistically tied, that can mean the difference between a win and a loss.

That’s why I’m reaching out. Mike’s grassroots team has never let him down before, we know we can count on you. Will you chip in $10 to help us hit our goal and flip TX-10 BLUE?

Chip in today → [link removed]

Thank you,

Kendahl Hawkins
Finance Director
Siegel for Texas

Mike Siegel for Congress
PO Box 2409
Austin, TX 78701
United States

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