Experts at CNN reporting that Amy McGrath is "the key to the Senate majority" this November!

After Amy raised $36.8 million last quarter – TWICE as much as Mitch McConnell – and a recent poll showed her LEADING Mitch by one point, we have a real chance to flip the Senate AND send Mitch packing!

If Amy McGrath wins, Democrats are virtually guaranteed to flip the Senate blue. But a McConnell-controlled Super PAC is running another $12 million in TV ads against her, and a brand-new poll shows Mitch has retaken the lead!

We have to respond immediately if we're going to Ditch Mitch – but we need to raise $250,000 before our deadline at midnight and we’re still falling dangerously short:

We need you to give right now: Please, chip in $5 or more today – every dollar you can spare before our critical deadline – to help Amy McGrath defeat Mitch McConnell and take back the Senate for Democrats!

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: