Can you make calls this weekend to help us reach our goal of 50,000 calls? To flip the Senate and elect Mississippi’s first Black senator since Reconstruction, we need all hands on deck.

Wow. Thanks to the hard work of volunteers in DC andacross the country, we’ve made serious progress on our goal of 50,000 calls by the end of the weekend.

We've made 18,322 calls. Will you help us get to 50,000?

Each one of the 18,322 calls we’ve made so far has a huge impact. But our team has been crunching the numbers, and with so many Mississippians still making up their mind, we really need to hit 50,000 calls to make history by electing Mike Espy on November 3.

So this weekend, we need to pick up the pace. Can you make calls this weekend to help us reach our goal of 50,000 calls? To flip the Senate and elect Mississippi’s first Black senator since Reconstruction, we need all hands on deck.


Thanks for all you do, and we hope to see you at a virtual phone bank this weekend!

— Team Espy