Hi Friend,
Together with Swing Left, we’ve raised over $10.5 million for Democratic state legislative candidates so far this year—and we couldn’t have done it without contributions to the Flippable Fund. Our community is standing up for democracy even in the most difficult of times, and we’re so grateful for your unwavering support since our start in 2016.
With just 10 days to go until Election Day 2020, it’s time for us to switch gears. We’ve assembled a slate with 10 of the most competitive state legislative races that could decide the fate of fair voting maps in 2021. These candidates are running in majority-making districts across Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas, where the GOP is putting up an expensive fight to maintain control over the upcoming round of redistricting.
From left to right, JD Wooten (NC), Coral Evans (AZ), and Celina Montoya (TX).
Between now and November 3rd, this direct-to-candidate slate is the fastest way to give to state candidates. As we help each of these candidates close the gaps in their races, we’ll continually update our slate to include new targets where your dollars can go the furthest.
These are the 10 candidates currently in need of an extra boost to keep pace with their opponents in the final stretch:
- Coral Evans (AZ-LD-06)
- Nicole Quick (NC-HD-59)
- Aimy Steele (NC-HD-82)
- JD Wooten (NC-SD-24)
- Tess Judge (NC-SD-1)
- Janet Diaz (PA-SD-13)
- Pam Iovino (PA-SD-37)
- Julie Slomski (PA-SD-49)
- Lorenzo Sanchez (TX-HD-67)
- Celina Montoya (TX-HD-121)
Let’s make the next 10 days count. When you give today, 100% of your donation will go directly to 10 state legislative candidates in competitive, high-stakes races.
P.S. If you’re not in the position to donate right now, you can volunteer virtually with Swing Left to help turn out swing-state voters in The Last Weekends before November 3rd.  |