Dear John,
We need to act now to stop the climate crisis. Experts agree that we need decisive steps to cut current carbon emissions. Plastics are a growing source of greenhouse gases, and are a contributor to the plastic, climate, health, and equity crises.
In our 11th Year, Plastic Pollution Coalition is envisioning what we can accomplish in the next 11 years towards our vision of a world free of plastic
pollution. If we act now, we can make this happen.
We've shared 11 achievements plus 11 projects & programs. Now, let’s imagine success, what the world will look like in the next 11
years… Let's create the future we want.
Imagine a world where: - Plastic is recognized as a global threat resulting in countries, companies, and citizens collaborating.
- Plastic materials & chemicals are deemed hazardous.
- A Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution addresses the full life cycle of plastics, including toxic chemicals.
- Legislation in the
EU, US & around the world dramatically reduces the amount of new plastic created.
- Food & personal care packaging is sustainable and nontoxic, using reusable/refillable systems.
- UN Sustainable Development Goals have been met resulting in clean air, water, soil, and seas.
- The Earthshot Prize scales up solutions, everyone from astronauts to aquanauts join forces.
- Reusables are “in”, plastic is “out.”
- Corporations take responsibility for their products and packaging through
their full lifecycle.
- Fossil fuel-free renewable energy and regenerative systems are the standard.
- Nothing is considered disposable—we live in a more just and equitable zero waste world.
Yes, this is ambitious, but now is the time to be bold. This world is possible. With your support, we can continue to work to make it happen.
Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO Plastic Pollution Coalition
* Image copyright Kieran E. Scott from 200 Women,