We need your help to protect against threats of armed voter intimidation — instances of which have been reported in states across the country. 


No one in America should ever be threatened with guns while exercising their right to vote. John, that's why Brady has developed resources and solutions to ensure voting access and safety in your state.


Only six states — Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas — have laws prohibiting guns at polling places. But ahead of Election Day, our state and local officials can still implement policies to guard against armed voter intimidation. Just last week, for example, Michigan banned the open carry of guns at polling places. 


We've created a new webpage that allows you to easily contact your state officials to advocate for gun-free polling places, ensure your lawmakers enact policies to prevent armed voter intimidation, and equip voters in your community with vital resources should they encounter these threats.


John, please visit our webpage now to take action against armed voter intimidation. Together, we can ensure no one is prevented from accessing the polls this Election Day.







Brady Urges the Senate to Reject Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Nomination to the Supreme Court


This week, without any members of the minority party present, the Senate Judiciary Committee rushed through a vote to send the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the full Senate for consideration. A lifetime appointment to the highest court in our country should not be rushed through a hypocritical, undemocratic process ahead of a major election.


If President Trump succeeds in confirming NRA-backed Judge Barrett, we could see more guns in the hands of extremists and those filled with hate. Rulings on the Second Amendment and our nation's common-sense gun laws could further empower vigilante militias and white supremacist violence. 


Ahead of the full Senate floor vote next week, our senators need to keep hearing from us. Text SCOTUS to 877-877 now and we will patch you through to your senator’s offices. Urge them to protect our health and safety and vote to #BlockBarrett!


Watch our virtual event explaining how the Supreme Court confirmation process works, what Judge Barrett’s views on the Second Amendment are, and what her confirmation would mean for our safety from gun violence.

Brady's Combating Crime Guns Program in Milwaukee Draws Local Attention


This week, we presented our Milwaukee-based initiative of our Combating Crime Guns Program at Milwaukee’s "Data Day 2020," a city-wide gathering of community leaders, data scientists, government officials, researchers, funders, and more. Experts shared innovative and effective practices in using data to understand and take action on issues facing our communities, like gun violence. 


At Data Day 2019, Brady’s Milwaukee Combating Crime Guns Program Manager Anneliese Dickman won the Data Dream for her presentation on the need for better data on gun dealer behavior. Brady is the only national gun violence prevention organization that takes a supply-side approach to hold negligent gun industry actors accountable for their role in fueling the gun violence epidemic. 


Over the past year, Brady has benefited greatly from the $5,000 pro bono data analysis from Data You Can Use, the host of Milwaukee’s Data Day. You can watch our presentation and analysis of gun dealer regulatory violations in a short, five minute presentation as part of Data Day 2020, which was held on October 21.


ICYMI: Watch Our Virtual Event With Bishops United Against Gun Violence

This week, Bettina Lanyi, Brady’s director of national partnerships, joined our partners at the Bishops United Against Gun Violence (BUAGV), a network of nearly 100 Episcopal Churches united against gun violence, for a virtual event. We joined leaders from the Community Justice Action Fund (CJAF), the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations, and the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania to discuss the intersection of COVID-19, racism, and gun violence. Watch our event here.

Brady’s podcast, “Red, Blue, and Brady,” explores the epidemic of gun violence in America — with moments of levity and humor. New episodes include:


🎧 Law Enforcement, Suicide, and Blue Help

Police officers are at a higher risk of suicide than any other profession. To discuss why these rates are so high amongst law enforcement, and what people can do to decrease rates of firearm suicide, host JJ is joined by Brady President Kris Brown and Steve Hough of Blue HELP.


🎧 Looking for the Helpers with Fred Guttenberg
Fred Guttenberg — who is the father of 14-year-old Jaime Guttenberg, who was shot and killed in the Parkland massacre — loved watching Mr. Rogers with Jaime and her brother when they were little. Their favorite piece of wisdom was: In the midst of tragedy and catastrophe, "find the helpers." Fred has carried this life lesson with him, and is now sharing it in his new book, "Find the Helpers: What 9/11 and Parkland Taught Me About Recovery, Purpose, and Hope." 


🎧 Finally, A PLCAA Victory!

Weeks ago, a Pennsylvania court held that the federal gun industry protection law, the Protection of the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), is unconstitutional in its entirety. What does it mean, and where do we go from here?



Every day in America, 63 Americans die from firearm suicide, and guns are by far the most lethal form of suicide. In partnership with the Ad Council, Brady's End Family Fire program speaks to gun owners about safe gun storage as a solution to prevent gun suicide and unintentional shootings.


Our new, national public service announcement (PSA) underscores the importance of storing firearms safely — and reveals what happens if they are not. This week, we received an anonymous letter from a mother who said our new PSA "saved her son's life" and motivated her and her husband to purchase a gun safe for the first time. Stories like this underscore how promoting messages and education about safe firearm storage can change behavors and prevent tragedies. 

WATCH OUR LIFESAVING PSA >>>"Vice President Biden will be a president who will bring us back on the path of progress—toward a fairer society, a more democratic system, and a safer future. He showed in the debate tonight that he is beyond capable of being the steadfast leader we need to end the gun violence epidemic." — Brady President Kris Brown



Donations from our supporters make our lifesaving work possible.
Thank you for taking action to prevent gun violence.


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Paid for by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, (www.bradyunited.org), not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.