Eleven days left to pass Prop. 15 and reclaim $12 billion for our schools and our communities

With just eleven days until November 3, our campaign to pass Prop. 15 and reclaim $12 billion a year for our schools and our communities is entering its final stage.
The latest public poll has Proposition 15 up 49% to 45%, but deep-pocketed corporate commercial property owners are spending big to scare voters. It will be up to all of us to do the work to get this critical measure over the finish line.
Just a couple hours of your time will make a difference in the campaign. Please join one of the daily 'Yes on 15' phone banks run by the campaign and encourage your friends and family to Vote Yes on 15.
Sign the Democracy Declaration: Count every vote!
Please take a moment to join America's leading educators by signing the Democracy Declaration. The declaration endorses democracy as a means of giving voice to each one of us, expressing the dignity of each individual, representing the values of our society, and ensuring the lawful transition of authority. Those who sign the declaration declare that every freedom depends upon the freedom to vote and that every vote should be counted.
The more we share our principles of democracy, the more people will see the power in these principles. Every vote must count, and every vote must be counted. Our democracy depends on it. Please sign on to the pledge, and share with your friends and family to do the same.
Sign the declaration today.
Sign up for CFT for Biden phone banks next week
As we approach the November 3 election, CFT members have been showing up in droves to call voters in swing states in support of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Next week we will call fellow AFT members and other union members in the swing states of Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Florida in support of Biden/Harris and Democratic Senate candidates.
Ready to join? Sign up for a shift below:
Tuesday, October 27, 5:00-7:00 p.m [Register]
Wednesday, October 28, 3:00-5:00 p.m. [Register]
Thursday, October 29 3:00-5:00 p.m. [Register]
Guest host Lacy Barnes interviews super volunteer Arcelia O’Connor on this week’s Facebook broadcast
CFT Executive Vice President Lacy Barnes guest hosted CFT’s weekly Facebook broadcast this week to talk about the election, Prop. 15, and to interview Gilroy Federation of Paraeducators President Arcelia O’Connor.
Arcelia, who retired in June to volunteer for the election, shared her experience filling dozens of shifts to help get Joe Biden elected. To tune in, please head to the CFT Facebook page!
CFT voter guide
Ready to fill out your ballot this weekend? Check out the CFT Voter Guide, which contains voting recommendations for both statewide measures and candidates for local and state offices.