Tacoma News Tribune

Trump on Supreme Court opportunity to overturn Obamacare:
"I hope they end it"

"Days before the 2020 presidential election, President Donald Trump isn't making any secret of his health care agenda: He wants the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act -- which could leave tens of millions without health care coverage -- and he's nowhere close to having a plan in its place."


In a recent interview with 60 Minutes, President Donald Trump said he hopes the Supreme Court will end the Affordable Care Act. To make matters worse, Trump still has no plan to replace it.

Trump and his administration have shown time and again they'll stop at nothing to end the ACA. They're bringing this fight to the Supreme Court in less than a month and if they get their way, millions of Americans will be left without access to the care they need.

Health care is on the ballot this election. Will you chip in $5 or more to help keep Kim in Congress fighting for affordable, quality health care?

As a doctor and someone living with Type 1 diabetes, Kim knows firsthand how important access to affordable health care is. That's why she's fought in Congress to lower the cost of prescription drugs, protect the ACA, and make COVID-19 testing free for all Americans.

But with the Trump administration continuing to attack our care, we're at risk of losing all the progress we've made.

Kim's running against a Trump-supporting Republican who won't stand up to his party's plans to repeal the ACA without any replacement. If we're going to protect the ACA, we need your help to not only win back the White House this November -- but protect Kim's seat and the Democratic House majority, too.

Chip in $5 or more right away to help Kim defeat her Trump-supporting opponent and keep fighting to protect your health care.


Team Schrier

Dr. Kim Schrier, the only female doctor in the House, is running for re-election in Washington's 8th Congressional district. Her seat has been named a top target by national Republicans, so she needs help from grassroots supporters. Will you pitch in to help protect Kim's seat and the Democratic majority?

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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