Because of the extraordinary generosity of supporters like you, we were
able to hit our Back to School fundraising goal. I know that sometimes
it can be difficult to see how your support changes the lives of
children in need, so I wanted to share a story with you:
I recently spent 19 days as an emergency responder at a Save the Children
Child Friendly Space at the U.S. border. Someone had generously donated
a box of giant stuffed sharks that stood taller than most of the 3- and
4-year-olds we were there to support – and it’s hard to express what it
was like to watch those children’s eyes grow two sizes larger when they
saw their new friends.
The kids carried their sharks by the flipper and chased their friends
around the shelter with them. All of a sudden, their oversized cots
looked cozy as the kids held the sharks next to them while they slept –
using them as a pillow.
That child-friendly space – and all the food, safety and access
to education we’re able to provide for kids around the world – that’s
the kind of impact you make possible.
So thank you, on behalf of Save the Children and all of the kids you’re
supporting, for making a lasting ripple of change. You’re bringing
comfort and joy to the children who need it most.
Jessica Lach
Digital Campaigns Manager
Save the Children Action Network
P.S. If this story inspired you to send your support today, you can
click here to make a gift and help create
brighter futures for even more vulnerable children around the
©2019 Save the Children
501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400
Fairfield, CT 06825 1-800-728-3843