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 News of the Week
The Limits of NYPD Reform: Is it Possible to Control the Police?
After a summer of protest, proposals are circulating to strengthen civilian oversight of the police department. But doubts about effectiveness and memories of a seven-decade effort that has fallen short.

Who’s Who in the Early Race for New York City Mayor
No votes will be cast in the race for mayor until the primaries in June 2021, but the race has been underway for years. Keep track of the contenders, the maybes, and those who’ve left the race.

City Restarts Discussions for Gowanus Rezoning Plan
When the pandemic struck, Gowanus was waiting for the completion of a draft environmental impact statement to trigger the start of the formal land-use review process.

ICE Reactivates in New York: Advocates Demand Investigation
ICE agents have once again been active in neighborhoods such as Sunset Park, Red Hook, Bay Ridge and Fort Greene in Brooklyn, as well as in upper Manhattan and the Bronx, according to advocates.

Here’s How a COVID-19 Vaccine Might be Distributed to New Yorkers
Though it’s still unclear how the federal government will distribute vaccinations, the state’s draft plan would prioritize health care workers and other residents at highest risk.

"I don’t really see how any kind of oversight is going to help when the police can just overrule a decision. Reform can’t really do much, at this point, until the entire idea of what a police officer is, is transformed."
—Soraya Palmer on attempts to overhaul the NYPD

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Mapping The Future  Voices of New York  Una Ciudad sin Limites

Una Ciudad sin Límites

Diferencia por contraste ¿en qué se diferencian Trump y Biden en temas de inmigración?
¿Qué tan diferente es el enfoque de Joe Biden sobre la inmigración del de Donald Trump?

Concejo busca combatir fraude en escrituras durante la pandemia
Los legisladores dicen que la pandemia y el desempleo resultante hacen que este sea un momento en el que los propietarios de viviendas de la ciudad pueden ser particularmente vulnerables a las estafas..

¿Cómo se configura el mapa nacional del voto latino?
Los dos candidatos a la presidencia en los Estados Unidos están invirtiendo tiempo y dinero para capturar el voto latino.

Democracy is in the Details
The 2020 elections are easy to paint in broad strokes.
But what happens afterward will be about the fine print.

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Whoever wins the presidency could have a huge impact on housing in New York City, from homelessness to homeownership, and private development to public housing. City Limits' hosted a panel this week featuring a discussion of the stakes, the candidates' records and rhetoric, and the potential for action come January 20. Read more about it here.

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