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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

BREAKING NEWS: Within 1 point...

Dear John,

A new Minnesota poll that was just released shows the Republican Senate challenger has gained 7 points on the Democrat incumbent in less than a month.

Now Republican Jason Lewis is in within just 1 point of toppling Democratic Senator Tina Smith!

Our ads are no longer running in Minnesota, so we need to go back on the air in Minnesota for the final week before the election.

Our Vernon Jones radio ads will help Jason Lewis beat Tina Smith, and this victory could keep us from losing the Senate.

No matter what happens in the Presidential race, we CAN NOT lose the U.S. Senate!

When representing Minnesota's 2nd congressional district in the 115th Congress, Jason helped pass historic tax cuts and regulatory reform to improve the nation's economy and spur jobs and wages.

He's pro-life and just the kind of Senator President Trump will need in his second term to Keep America Great!

We need to raise $12,000 immediately so we can go on the air in MN October 27 thru Election Day. Please help!

John Philip Sousa IVFor America,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC