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How Trump Lost to the Coronavirus

by Will Marshall

Behind in the polls and flailing, President Trump finally has met an opponent he can’t bully, belittle or bury in an avalanche of lies. Joe Biden? No, the coronavirus.

The pandemic is surging again, just as the 2020 presidential election enters the final stretch. A frustrated Trump this week groused that the public is “tired” of hearing about the pandemic. Maybe so, but according to Five Thirty Eight’s daily tracker of public opinion, two-thirds of Americans are very or somewhat concerned about COVID-19. Even more – 86 percent – are worried about the pandemic’s impact on the economy. 

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The Mosaic Economic Project Launches,
Bringing New Voices to the Table

The Progressive Policy Institute proudly launched The Mosaic Economic Project on Monday this week, aiming to create a network of diverse women who are experts in economics and technology – fields where their perspectives are grossly underrepresented.

The mission of Mosaic is to train, connect, host and advocate for the participation of women, particularly minority women, in meaningful policy conversations. The first cohort of Mosaic participants will meet in November 2020. Women with subject matter expertise in economics, finance, technology, telecom and corporate governance are encouraged to apply by October 31 to be considered.


Making America's Trumps Pay Their Fair Share

by Ben Ritz

The explosive revelations that self-proclaimed billionaire Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes – a tiny fraction of what he paid the Chinese government through his secret bank account – in recent years have focused overdue public attention on U.S. tax laws that seem designed to protect wealthy Americans.


Staggers Act Provides Insight into the Benefits of Light Touch Regulation

by Elliott Long

Regulation is much in the news these days. But even as we look towards the future, the 40th anniversary of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 on October 14 gives us an opportunity to consider how light touch regulation can benefit industry, customers, and the economy as a whole. 


Trump's Last Stand?

by Will Marshall

Last night’s showdown in Nashville between President Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden won’t go down in history as one of the great U.S. presidential debates. It was an anti-climactic affair that didn’t tell us anything new about the candidates or what’s at stake for our country in next month’s election. 


America's COVID-19 Debacle: A Chronology

by Will Marshall and Owen Silva

Updated on October 21st, as the coronavirus pandemic enters its 9th month. The United States continues to lead the world in deaths and infection rates. The hard truth is America ranks dead last when it comes to responding effectively to COVID-19. 


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