Friend, it all depends on you.
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Days until election: 11
Help elect Joe Biden and down-ballot Virginia Democrats!

Friend --

The election is coming up in just 11 days! The finish line is in sight. But if you want to help Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump -- and help send our Virginia Democratic delegation back to Washington -- we have two options:

     ❏  Option 1: Make a donation right away. -- Help us elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and down-ballot Democrats across Virginia!
     ❏  Option 2: Assume someone else will give. -- Unfortunately, a lot of people pick this option. And if too many choose it this time, we’ll miss our FINAL fundraising goal before November 3rd. If this happens, we won’t be able to invest in key races -- and Republicans (including Donald Trump) could WIN here in our Commonwealth!

Friend, there is so much at stake in this election. And with so little time left, we simply can’t afford to fall behind now.

So if you’re able, will you help us meet this crucial goal to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, reelect Senator Mark Warner, and help other Virginia Democrats win up and down the ballot?

Thank you for all of your support!



P.S. We understand that times are tough for many of you, and that everyone has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Please only give if you can; your health and safety are most important.

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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Democratic Party of Virginia
PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States