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Coronavirus: Greater Manchester is in Tier 3 – Very High Alert

Oldham along with the rest of Greater Manchester is now in Tier 3 – Alert Level 'Very High'.

Please make yourself aware of what this means for you and your family by clicking here.
Information and support for businesses
The 'very high' alert level means certain businesses have had to close including pubs, soft play, betting shops and bingo halls. Our latest business newsletter rounds up what the changes mean for local business and highlights the support available for anyone affected by closures. You can read it here
We also have information available on the website which you can read here.

Think about those you live with
Think about those at home when you’re considering ignoring the Coronavirus restrictions as you are putting them at risk as well as yourself.

Some of our daily business is unavoidable, for example if you are unable to work from home. So it’s really important that you remember to wash your hands, wear a face covering and keep your distance so that you minimise the risk for the people you live with.

Long Covid case study 
Thousands of people across the UK are still reporting symptoms of Covid-19, months after they tested positive with the virus. The symptoms are particularly around energy levels, thinking, breathing, heart, and sometimes even joint problems. 
Bea, an Oldham resident, has been an Outdoor Educator for the past 25 years, exploring the outdoors and teaching school children about their environment. That all changed in April when she tested positive for Covid-19…watch her story here. If you think you are suffering from long term effects of Covid-19 please contact your GP.

Supporting your recovery from Coronavirus
As you find yourself recovering from COVID-19 you may still be coming to terms with the impact the virus has had on both your body and mind. These changes should get better over time, some may take longer than others. So, to help you and your loved ones the NHS has a 'Your COVID Recovery' section on their website here offering you the support you and your love ones might need. 
Spindles shopping centre 
Oldham Council has bought the Spindles Town Square Shopping Centre; safeguarding an important town centre building and paving the way for a new Tommyfield Market, new homes and businesses as part of our ambitious vision for a thriving Oldham Town Centre. Read more here
National Carers' Week
Oldham Council is supporting National Care Leavers Week 2020 (26 October – 1 November) by showcasing and celebrating the successes of care leavers from across the borough and inspiring them to achieve their full potential. The focus this year is 'aspiration' and there will be a number of events and activities (online and face to face) for young people to get involved in to further their career prospects or just to have fun. For more details click here.
A barber shop that put staff and customers at risk of catching Coronavirus has been closed after advice and support from Oldham Council officers was continually ignored. If you become aware of any safety breaches please email our Environmental Services Team at [email protected].
Have you had your flu jab? 
It’s now even more important to get a flu vaccine as people at high risk from flu are also at high risk from Covid-19. Councillor Zahid Chauhan explains the importance of the flu jab ahead of the winter months, watch the video here. For more information, visit: 
Play dates
With half term upon us we just wanted to remind you not to organise play dates for your kids. We know that they see their friends at school but schools are working really hard to reduce the risk of getting coronavirus whereas in homes etc. it’s more difficult to do this. Thanks for your understanding.
Coronavirus testing
If you have symptoms of Coronavirus and need to get a test, we have testing centres open across the borough seven days a week. You must, however, book an appointment before you go. This appointment can only be booked through the government website here
The Rainbow Clinic🌈
A new service has been launched at The Royal Oldham Hospital to provide extra support for mums and dads-to-be who have experienced stillbirth, late miscarriage or early neonatal death in a previous pregnancy. The Rainbow Clinic is part of a national project to help support parents who have previously suffered this trauma, providing individualised care and additional scans to identify potential complications in the new term of labour. 

For more information and advice about council services, visit


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Oldham Council · Civic Centre · West Street · Oldham, OL1 1UT · United Kingdom