Dear friends,
The Amazon is going up in smoke. Greenland is melting. And now the Bahamas have been ravaged by a monster storm!
Climate change isn’t a distant threat. It’s happening right now.That’s why, ahead of a crucial global climate summit, 16-year-old
Greta Thunberg is leading children out of their classrooms and onto the streets, in a worldwide push to demand leaders meet this climate emergency with an urgent switch to 100% clean energy.
they’re calling on us to join them -- parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters… let’s show massive public support for these brave kids as they fight for the future of life on Earth.
When this is huge,
Avaaz will make sure all our voices are heard by key leaders ahead of the summit with a massive advocacy and campaigning push demanding a safe, sustainable future for our children and generations to come. Sign now and share with everyone!
We stand with the young people joining the climate strike, and call on the UN and governments around the world to declare a climate emergency and take urgent action to shift the world to 100% clean energy.
Greta bravely sailed across the Atlantic in a tiny boat to lead the strikes ahead of the summit. Since she started her climate strike last summer,
she’s been joined by millions all over the world -- but she’s also faced abuse and threats from far-right trolls.
Now, as world leaders gather in New York, it’s time to show massive support for the climate kids and their fight for a livable planet. It’s a crucial moment -- the Paris climate agreement requires countries to launch concrete plans to tackle the climate emergency -- but
it won’t happen without massive public pressure. And that starts now. So
let’s back Greta and the climate kids and then go all out to land our call for 100% clean energy with governments and leaders before they meet. Sign now, and share with everyone!
Click to back the climate strike!