Dear friends of UNTIED!
It’s that time of the year again.
As you may already know, UNITED coordinates anti-racism campaigns throughout the year, each of which is centered around UN-mandated days commemorating specific historical events.
This year is no different. The 9th of November 2020 will mark the 82nd anniversary of the ‘Kristallnacht’ pogrom in Germany and Austria. This was the Night of Broken Glass which, in 1938, left over 250 synagogues shattered, over 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses destroyed, over 30,000 Jewish men incarcerated into concentration camps.
This hate spread unchecked, and three years later, the world saw the Holocaust. Today, we remember these horrors, and we say #NeverAgain.
And yet, violent discrimination is far from over. From Jewish groups to the Roma community, to the LGBT people, to Muslims and all other marginalized groups, systematic discrimination – in some instances, even persecution – has continued unabated. We have seen what unchecked discrimination has been a prelude to, and every year we use this time to remind ourselves of all the work that is left to be done.
In this spirit, UNITED is coordinating a year-long campaign beginning the 9th of November, bringing together all anti-racism movements across the continent. We want people to take action in their city, municipality, region or nation against fascism, racism, sexism and hate based on a religious belief.
For the 82nd anniversary of this day, International Day Against Facism 2020 will take place from 9th of November onwards, with the hashtag #UNITEDhistory, and the theme of “Shared histories”.
Our official logo for this year is as below:
Those who join this international campaign have taken part during the past in a variety of initiatives, ranging from involving their city government, hosting a picnic, organizing an antiracism walk, to movie screenings and art viewings, to simply liking a Facebook page. Each of these activities is an important reminder, at a time where we need it more than ever, that love is always stronger than hate.
What can YOU do?
- This year, if you organise an event, if you publish an article, a video, pictures or posters relating to this day, please send an email to us to [email protected] and we will share it on our campaign Facebook and website.
- Don't forget to post your event/article/video/pictures etc. on your page/profile tagging our Facebook page with the hasthag #UNITEDhistory and share the voice!
We will feature your contributions on an interactive activity map (such as one from an earlier campaign), that will display not only on our campaign website, but also on our UNITED webpage. It will serve to showcase not only your work, but the scale and size of our network.

So please:- Share your activities from previous years with us - pictures, videos, campaign materials, blog posts - and let’s show the world how united we stand!
Also, one more thing to do:
Every community in Europe has its own historical experience and understanding of fascism, and we would love to show the diversity present within this anti-fascism fight. To do so, we need your help!

Please help us create our Anti-Fascist Calendar, an overview of dates of anti-fascist celebration and commemoration throughout Europe.
- Fill in this form based on what you know about the traditions in your country and/or the activities in your organization.
We would love to hear from you - and are really looking forward to linking arms. Don't forget to email us at [email protected].
Stay strong, stay UNITED.