The annual Children's Book Award is back with?three more fantastic?stories to choose from. Library staff and local children have helped to shortlist this year?s contenders, which are,
- I am a Tiger by Karl Newson and Ross Collins
- This is Gus by Chris Chatterton
- This is Owl by Libby Walden and Jacqui Lee
We've?made a story time video of each book, so if you are sitting comfortably, press play, watch all three and then?vote here.
Want a 'virtual' visit to your under 5s setting?
If your under 5s class, nursery group or other under 5s group would like a?virtual visit?from a member of library staff, so you can participate in the Nottingham Childrens Book Award, or if?you would like more information please contact Charlotte Blount:? [email protected]
Missing our after-school programme?? Look out for our new online programme every Monday on our Facebook feed.? More info coming in the next edition.