Our court fight to stop President Trump’s border wall continues this week. And it couldn’t be more important now that we know the wall’s true cost: 

Schools defunded. Child care facilities slashed. Hazardous military buildings left unfixed. 

Mexico isn’t paying for the wall, as we all know the President promised. Taxpayers are footing the bill and our soldiers and their families are paying the price.
The President’s raid on our military’s funding isn’t just proof of a failed campaign promise. It’s plainly unconstitutional, too. 
And that’s why our case continues this week and we remain determined to hold the President accountable. 
Will you join us in this fight, team? Let’s show the President that his actions aren’t acceptable: 
While he raided our military’s funding, not a single mile of the President’s new wall has been built yet. And we’ll continue to fight to ensure that stays true. 
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