The stakes already couldn’t be higher this November as Republicans look to retain the Presidency and flip the House of Representatives. We are less than two weeks away from making a decision that will have an impact which will last for decades. But below the federal and local elections on your ballot, there is one more choice you have to make that will literally reshape the political landscape of Virginia. It is a proposed amendment to the Virginia Constitution to create a bi-partisan redistricting commission – Amendment #1.

I am voting “Yes” on Amendment #1 and I hope you will too.

Currently, lawmakers in the General Assembly are charged with drawing and approving the maps of the districts in which they will then seek election. The maps they approve are then sent to the Governor to sign into law. This process takes place once every decade after the national Census. This means that the General Assembly will be redrawing the district lines for the House of Delegates, the State Senate, and Virginia’s 11 U.S. House of Representative seats early next year.

As it stands, Democrats hold the Governor’s mansion as well as majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly giving one party total control over the redistricting process.

Amendment #1 proposes a bipartisan redistricting commission that will take on the map drawing responsibility instead of the current process whereby the party in control gets to draw the maps to their greatest benefit.

It mandates that citizens have a seat at the table, that voters are empowered to actually choose their legislator and not the other way around.

A “Yes” vote on Amendment #1 will create a balanced commission of legislators, experts, and citizens. Instead of the current majority party drawing the lines based on partisan ambition, your “Yes” vote on Amendment #1 will inject transparency and fairness into the equation. Republicans, Democrats, and - most importantly - the citizens will work together on the mapping of the districts. The amendment is designed to encourage this bipartisan cooperation because it requires that a majority of each stakeholder group represented on the Commission must support the maps that have been developed - or they have to go back to the drawing board.

Virginians have the right to choose their legislators rather than politicians choosing their constituents. A “Yes” vote on Amendment #1 provides the greatest voice for people of our Commonwealth. Please join me by voting YES on Amendment #1 to bring fairness and equality to our electoral process. Maps matter, support Amendment #1 to draw lines that benefit you the voter, rather than a political party.

If you wish to read the text of the amendment or learn more, please click here.
Your Friend,
Ben Cline