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John, Here's Labor's 321 Update – it's what you need to know about happenings in politics right now and how you can help make a difference by sharing these stories, where you can. A big week for Labor ACT and Labour NZ with two decisive victories for Andrew and Jacinda. Special thanks to all who volunteered during the ACT campaign. Also this week, Senate estimates hits just kept coming. We had Cartier watches, the Leppington Triangle and more. Imagine what an actual National Integrity Commission could uncover. 
Our socials covered the elections here and over the ditch. This week Labor are highlighting our child care policy. 97% of families using child care will be better off, saving up to $11,000 in fees per year. No family will be worse off. And LNP QLD Senator Rennick said it best with words to the effect of: Come on? Who wants to be ICAC-able? Labor wants an NIC asap. 
Two stories this week that caught our eye included Clive Palmer fight to clear his name as a Twisted Stealer of 80s soft metal. Meanwhile nothing can dampen this man’s electoral anti-Labor war chest. Currently undermining QLD Labor, next another Federal election. Did you see the tale of the Sky News channel that could? Sky News' choice to ventilate the views of Steve Bannon, who appears to be attempting anything to curry favour with Trump is still receiving millions of views worldwide. Who needs agents of intervention, when Sky is up for it? 
Speaking of chats with friends, here’s some background on Penny Wong’s line of questioning regarding the FBI’s serious appraisal of QAnon. Surprisingly the PM is yet to be briefed. Meanwhile, Scott Morrison’s close associate Tim Stewart’s Twitter account has been shut-down. Again. Until next time, Australian Labor P.S. John, we can’t risk a snap back to the Liberal agenda of cutting services, suppressing
wages and undermining job security. Australia needs a plan for the recovery where no one is held back or left behind.
We need your help to protect our society from the Liberals.
Will you chip in $5 to help stop the Liberals?