Mark your calendars: LibrePlanet 2021 will be held online in
March, 2021. To give more remote speakers the opportunity to
submit a talk, we are extending the Call for Sessions (CFS) to
November 11th at 12:00 EST, so that everyone in the global
community has a chance to submit their talk or panel.
For those of you who haven't participated in a LibrePlanet
conference before: expect a friendly, social, community-focused
event with two days of inspiring talks and workshops from
prominent people in the free software community, as well as
people new to the community, all happening online. General
registration will open soon, and more information about exhibitor
registration and sponsor opportunities will be posted online,
This year, we have decided to bring LibrePlanet 2021: Empowering
Users online. Currently, we do not feel confident that we can
safely hold an in-person event in March next year, so we want to
make use of the time we have to plan a truly special and unique
online experience for everyone. Though we are disappointed that
we will have to miss another year of meeting the community in
person, an online event offers some great opportunities. One of
these opportunities is that we can open up talk submissions
to more speakers worldwide.
We will take the lessons we learned from our online
LibrePlanet 2020: Free the Future experience this year and
organize an event that is even more inclusive, allowing people
from all over the (libre)planet to participate. You can watch
videos from this past conference (and previous conferences) on
our MediaGoblin instance to help inspire your session
proposal this year.
LibrePlanet has a global audience full of energy and passion for
free software. A wide range of skills and expertise is
represented at the event, and your talk will be received with
great engagement and enthusiasm. This event offers a fantastic
opportunity to introduce potential contributors to your project,
or it can also be a resource to test your theories and to gauge
response to your ideas by getting feedback from our audience that
will help inform your thinking.
Call for Sessions LibrePlanet 2021: "Empowering Users" submission information
The Call for Sessions for LibrePlanet will close on November
11th, at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC), so if you haven't submitted yet,
there is still time to be part of the program. This year,
LibrePlanet will explore the theme "Empowering Users,"
and we are looking forward to seeing free software
through the lens of this year's theme in sessions about software
development, copyleft, community, and other related issues.
Have a look at our previous Call for Sessions blog post to learn
more about the theme and the kinds of sessions we are looking for. We
are also hosting an information session every Tuesday to answer any
questions you have about submitting a proposal for LibrePlanet, until
submissions close on November 11th. To participate in these
information sessions, join us in the #libreplanet Internet Relay
Chat (IRC) channel on Freenode during these time slots:
The deadline for the awards will remain the same as the CFS deadline:
November 11th, 2020, at 12:00 EST.
Support LibrePlanet by becoming an exhibitor or sponsor
LibrePlanet is organized by the FSF, a 501(c)(3) charity. Your
contribution allows us to create a truly valuable event
for many people all over the globe by making the production of
the event possible, and allowing us to livestream the event.
We will also offer unique opportunities for businesses and other
organizations to connect to a community that is dedicated to free
software, tailored to an online experience. For more information
you can contact; a prospectus will be
published on the event site soon. Early bird pricing for
exhibitors has already started, and will be available until
February 15th, 2021. For information on how your company can be
represented in our virtual exhibit hall, or to further sponsor
the LibrePlanet conference, please email
I hope to see you at LibrePlanet 2021!