DATE: October 22, 2020
CONTACT: Jason Savage ([email protected])

Trump's Record Shines in Second Debate

The Maine Republican Party released the following statement following tonight's Presidential debate:

"President Trump has accomplished more in 47 months than Joe Biden did in 47 years," said Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. "From defeating ISIS, to creating the greatest economy America has ever seen, and leading our country through a pandemic, President Trump has delivered for American families and has lived up to his 'America First' agenda."

"America needs President Trump to continue 'The Great American Comeback'. Under a Biden/Harris Presidency, the incredible economy President Trump built would be destroyed. Instead of promoting pro-business policies to get America back to work, his burdensome regulations would kill jobs throughout the country and his tax hikes would devastate middle class families paychecks. Quite simply, America can't afford Joe Biden."
