Moments ago, the final debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump wrapped up — and I couldn’t be more hopeful about what a Biden-Harris administration could mean for our country.
Tonight, Joe Biden spoke directly to the American people and presented a vision for our country that would put working families first.
From day one, a Biden-Harris administration would get to work to reduce student debt, combat the climate crisis, and expand access to affordable health care. A better future is within our reach, but only if we use our voice and our vote.
Take action: Make your plan to vote as soon as you can. We’re counting on your vote this fall.
Our nation is in crisis. Over 221,000 Americans have died due to this pandemic. Millions are out of work. At a time when we desperately need leadership, the current occupant of the Oval Office is pointing fingers at everyone but himself.
In contrast, tonight Joe Biden outlined a plan to beat COVID-19 by boosting access to testing and protective equipment, developing and distributing a vaccine, and passing a comprehensive relief package for families, schools, and hospitals impacted by this pandemic.
With the final debate over, it all comes down to these last few days of the election. All of our work over the past several weeks, months, and years depends on what happens now. Are you ready?
Thank you,
Kolin Kearns
Deputy Digital Organizing Director
NextGen America
P.S. Have you already voted? Amazing! Click here: