This column explores the themes in Jim Wallis’ new book Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus (HarperOne), available Sept. 24.
President Trump’s hands, it seems for now, are tied by Congress — but that hasn’t stopped him from advancing an agenda that harms those who Jesus called “the least of these.” He’s simply shifted tactics.
Last week’s column (and this video more than 130,000 of you have viewed) said our real choice in this moment isn’t between candidates and parties, but between anti-Christ politics and the politics of Jesus. I said it’s time to start a national conversation about this choice, and it’s clear from all your comments, and the what I’m hearing from leaders who have reached out personally, that many of you agree.
Here’s what we’re up against now — especially the most vulnerable among us.
The current divided government that we see in the U.S. as a result of the 2018 midterm elections has made it markedly more difficult for the president to advance his agenda through new laws and decisions on Congress. Given the contempt he and so many of his supporters have shown towards so many groups of vulnerable people, the new obstructions to Trump’s agenda in the Congress is more than welcome. Unfortunately, the Trump administration’s response to having its legislative agenda stymied has largely been a shift to unilateral executive actions on the administrative and regulatory front rather than any reconsidering of the wisdom or morality of visiting harm on society’s most vulnerable.
Learn about Jim Wallis' book and PRE-ORDER for a limited time here.