Hi John, We've said it before, but with just twelve days left in this election, it's worth repeating: Your vote is your voice, and as we face the biggest election of our lifetimes, we must speak up and speak out. Right now, so much is at stake: Widespread COVID-19 relief for individuals and small businesses. Health care that is affordable and accessible. Climate change legislation that protects our planet and future generations. This is what's on the line. This is what we're voting for. This is what Suzan is fighting for. So, if you haven't voted yet, make a plan right now and cast your ballot as soon as possible to ensure your vote is counted and your voice is heard. If you're voting by mail in Washington state, your ballot must be postmarked by November 3rd -- but the sooner, the better! Now, if you have voted, it's time to tell the world! Share this graphic on Twitter to let your friends and family know you cast your ballot in the 2020 General Election! Then, encourage them to make a plan and vote as soon as they can.
A nationwide surge at the polls speaks volumes about our democracy and all who participate in it. When we show up, we show just how badly we're willing to fight for everything from voting rights to ending childhood poverty to health care. And when we show up here in Washington's first, we're showing Suzan that we support the Democratic causes she is championing in Congress, such as expanding the Child Tax Credit and advocating for COVID-19 relief. But strong turnout relies on everyone doing their part, starting with you, John. Do your part and cast your ballot ASAP! Once you have voted, make sure to share our "I voted" graphic on social media to tell your friends and family to make their voices heard by casting their vote on or before November 3rd! Thank you, Team DelBene PO Box 477, Kirkland, WA 98083
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