Justice Democrats

John, just earlier today, Bernie Sanders said something really important:

"Am I prepared to support primary challenges all across this country to those members of Congress, Democrats, who are not prepared to move toward a progressive agenda? You're damn right I am."

Bernie's ready to fight. Are you?

Donate $3 right now to support Justice Democrats in primaries. A donation today shows that you're with Bernie and JD in the fight for a more progressive Democratic Party.

Contribute $3

Bernie also said he plans to lay out a 100-day agenda that he'll push Democrats on. The agenda includes Medicare for All, raising the minimum wage to $15, strengthening labor rights for working people, and more.

Bernie's right. If Democrats don't support these progressive policies that we desperately need, they should get a primary — a primary from a Justice Democrat.

Show that you're with progressives like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a contribution today. Help us reach our $300,000 goal this month and prepare for the next big primaries.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

Do not worry if you cannot afford to make a contribution — we understand that this is a difficult time. If you’re struggling, you can find a food bank here. We appreciate everything you do to keep our movement strong.

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