Dear John,
This week Boundary Waters Action Fund released a new fact sheet highlighting the long history of bipartisan support, beginning with President Teddy Roosevelt’s establishment of the Superior National Forest in 1909, for protecting the Boundary Waters.
Most recently, the Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act, H.R. 5598, was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support. This bill would permanently protect the Boundary Waters from pollution from sulfide-ore copper mining.
For decades, leaders from both parties have prioritized strengthening and expanding protections for the Boundary Waters. But the proposed Twin Metals sulfide-ore copper mine on the edge of the Wilderness Area would damage the ecosystem and threaten the economy -- undoing the decades of bipartisan cooperation.
With just days left in this election, and with the clock quickly running out, will you help protect the Boundary Waters with these five things right now to power our work through the finish line?
Make a plan to Vote Boundary Waters - view our endorsed candidates here.
Pledge to vote for Boundary Waters champions, and if you already have, invite three friends or family members to do the same!
Donate - a donation of just $10 can help us defend the Boundary Waters.
Volunteer - we plan to contact our supporters in Minnesota through election day to encourage them to vote. Sign up here to help us out!
Order a free Boundary Waters yard sign! Show off your commitment to protecting the Boundary Waters. Order here.
For more than a century, leaders from both sides of the aisle have worked together to protect the Boundary Waters. We must fight to uphold this bipartisan legacy and support permanent protections to this priceless place. Thank you for your support.
For the Wilderness,
Alex Falconer
Director, Boundary Waters Action Fund
P.S. Don’t wait! Order a free Vote Boundary Waters sign today and show off your commitment to protecting the Boundary Waters this election. Order today.

Prepared and Paid for by Boundary Waters Action Fund. Boundary Waters Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit affiliate of Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness and the political arm of Save the Boundary Waters. Donations to Boundary Waters Action Fund are not tax deductible.
206 E Sheridan St
Ely, MN 55731