
Seth Moulton was one of the earliest supporters of Joe Biden during the Democratic primary because he knows that Joe is honest, decent, and hardworking. I remember Seth pounding the snowy pavement in Iowa to get voters out for Joe, because Seth knows what we know -- that Vice President Biden offers stability for our country. Most importantly, Joe has the experience and integrity to lead us through the challenges we’re facing and to take our country forward. Joe has done it before, and he’ll do it again.

Before Joe takes the stage tonight for the final presidential debate before Election Day, I’ve set a goal of raising $10,000 to show him we have his back.

Can you rush a contribution of $10 or more to be split between the Biden-Harris ticket and Serve America?

With just 12 days to go in the most important election of our lifetimes, our window to make an impact is closing.

Let’s show up for Vice President Biden and Senator Harris today.

Thank you,

Marie Harf
Executive Director
Serve America