Join us for our Fall Speaker Series!

This fall, we are holding monthly Zoom presentations from experts in the fields of population and reproductive health and rights. The next session takes place on October 29th at 2:00 pm EDT.
Pape Gaye, President Emeritus of IntraHealth International, is giving a talk titled Family Planning in Francophone West Africa: Progress and Challenges. In his presentation, Pape will explore what governments, civil society, and the donor community have been doing to boost family planning use in West Africa. A native of Senegal, he will share lessons he’s learned working with on-the-ground initiatives that expand access to family planning in the region, and he will offer reflections on what needs to be done to sustain recent improvements and accelerate progress.
You can RSVP for Pape’s talk as well as the remaining events on our website!
Tell your senators: no SCOTUS vote before Inauguration
There are only 12 days left before Election Day, and millions of Americans have already cast their votes. Voters are making their voices heard on races up and down the ballot, not only determining whether Donald Trump will retain the presidency, but also the ideological balance of the House and Senate. It is unconscionable to pursue a partisan vote for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court in the midst of an election. Please call your senators today and ask them to wait until after the inauguration of the next president before considering the next Supreme Court Justice.
PopEd webinars provide valuable classroom resources
PopEd’s workshops have gone fully virtual this year, and our fall webinar lineup has offered resources that support teachers in virtual, blended, and in-person classrooms this semester. Read a recap of a recent webinar focused on the quarterly theme of “Why Populations Grow” to see how these adaptations are designed to keep population education as accessible as possible for all students, regardless of how they’re learning right now.
Host Communications Manager Hannah Evans for a Virtual Speaking Engagement!

The connections between population growth, health, development, and the environment are complex. They can be difficult to articulate if you don’t spend all day, every day, working on them like we do! Communications Manager Hannah Evans is available for virtual presentations to your class, community, group, or special event. Read Hannah’s bio on our website and contact her about scheduling a speaking engagement!