12 Days Until Voting Ends. All Donations 3X-MATCHED! PFAW Member, When I joined with the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and other leaders to found People For the American Way nearly 40 years ago, it was to defend our constitutional rights and work to build a country that makes the “blessings of liberty” available to everyone. For these past four decades, PFAW has been fighting to ensure that “We, the people” means ALL the people … and that the core constitutional values and principles on which the American Way is built – democracy, equality, justice – are honored and protected. That mission shouldn’t be controversial. But what we’ve seen these past few years is a Far Right that has rallied under the Trump banner to be far more radicalized, energized, and organized in their efforts to hijack and subvert the American Way that you and I hold dear. Well, now, in just a matter of days, we finally have the chance as a nation to REJECT the cruelty and bigotry that define their agenda but are the antithesis of our American Way. I may be 98 (What?!!) but I’m not done fighting and, as a fellow PFAW supporter, I know you’re not done either. That’s why we all need to dig a little deeper, do a little more, and give it everything we’ve got in these final days to defeat Trump and Trump Republicans, up and down the ballot, all across the country. So I hope you’ll join me once again in supporting the work of People For the American Way to mobilize voters – in key battleground states and far and wide – with a 3X-MATCHED donation right away. Together, we WILL save our country and our democracy. Thank you so much for being part of this. Sincerely, Norman Lear