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Op-Ed: How Trump Lost to the Coronavirus

by Will Marshall, PPI President

Behind in the polls and flailing, President Trump finally has met an opponent he can’t bully, belittle or bury in an avalanche of lies. Joe Biden? No, the coronavirus.

The pandemic is surging again, just as the 2020 presidential election enters the final stretch. A frustrated Trump this week groused that the public is “tired” of hearing about the pandemic. Maybe so, but according to Five Thirty Eight’s daily tracker of public opinion, two-thirds of Americans are very or somewhat concerned about COVID-19. Even more – 86 percent – are worried about the pandemic’s impact on the economy. 

Apart from hardcore Republicans, Americans don’t share Trump’s view that he has done a “phenomenal job” in managing the pandemic. More than 57 percent of U.S. voters disapprove of his response to COVID-19, while just under 40 percent approve. Only 35 percent of independents think he’s done a good job.

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