Hi John,
The Freethought Equality Fund, the political action committee of the Center for Freethought Equality, has three outstanding members of our community running for the Nevada State Senate and Assembly.
Rochelle Nguyen and Howard Watts are running for re-election to the Nevada Assembly, and Liz Becker is seeking to unseat an entrenched Republican incumbent. Please support our endorsed candidates - their websites and donation links are below as are their bios. You can see all our 2020 endorsed candidates here[[link removed]].
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Liz Becker - campaign website[[link removed]] - donation page[[link removed]] Rochelle Nguyen - campaign website[[link removed]] - donation page[[link removed]] Howard Watts - campaign website[[link removed]] - donation page[[link removed]]
Liz Becker[[link removed]] is running for the Nevada State Senate in District 18. In the June 9 primary, Becker earned 88% of the vote – finishing 1st in a field of two candidates. An environmental scientist, Becker has had a career in teaching and public service, including working for the Southern Nevada Water Authority. Her policy goals include providing access to quality and affordable healthcare, creating affordable housing and ending homelessness, protecting public lands and promoting conservation, ending human trafficking, preventing gun violence, protecting reproductive rights, and fully funding public education. She says, “I’m a concerned parent, former teacher, and volunteer in our community. I’m passionate about making our neighborhoods safer, improving our schools, and leaving the planet in good shape for my children, you, and yours.” Becker is a secular humanist.
Rochelle Nguyen[[link removed]] is running for the Nevada Assembly in District 10. In the June 9 primary, Nguyen earned 74% of the vote – finishing 1st in a field of two candidates. She is a criminal defense attorney who served three years in the Clark County Public Defender’s Office. In law school Nguyen was an editor on the law review and founded the Public Interest Law Association, a non-profit student organization that raises awareness of public interest law. She also served as a community leader with HopeLink of Southern Nevada to help move people out of poverty and into self-sufficiency. Assemblywoman Nguyen was appointed to the office in December 2019, and is a member of the Growth and Infrastructure Committee, Health and Human Services Committee, and the Judiciary Committee. Her policy priorities include improving the public education system with more classroom resources and higher teacher pay, reforming the criminal justice system, making health care more affordable, and protecting our natural resources and addressing climate change. Nguyen is not religious.
Howard Watts[[link removed]] is running for re-election to the Nevada State Assembly in District 15. In the June 9 primary, Watts earned 65% of the vote – finishing 1st in a field of two candidates. A progressive small business owner with a long record of community service, Watts “has dedicated his career to fighting for policies that preserve the environment, protect consumers, increase access to the ballot box, and ensure dignity for historically marginalized communities.” As a freshman in the Nevada legislature, Watts introduced and passed legislation to improve water conservation, support electric vehicles, improve Native American access to the ballot box, and assist mobile home owners. In addition, he supported measures that increased the minimum wage, guaranteed paid leave, advanced sweeping criminal justice and voting rights reforms, and made health care more affordable. He is looking forward to further advancing his progressive agenda in his second term. Watts is an agnostic.
You can see all our 2020 endorsed candidates here[[link removed]].
Thank you for your membership and support.
Ron Millar
PAC Coordinator
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This message is for the sole use of members of the Center for Freethought Equality. The mission of the Freethought Equality Fund (FEF) is to achieve equality for the nontheist community by increasing the number of open humanists and atheists, and allies, in public office at all levels of government. The FEF is affiliated with the Center for Freethought Equality, which is the advocacy and political arm of the American Humanist Association. Donations to the Center for Freethought Equality[[link removed]], Freethought Equality Fund[[link removed]] and our endorsed candidates are voluntary and are not tax deductible.
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