On Wednesday, October 14, BPC hosted a very popular event that focused on ensuring individuals have access to nutritious foods during COVID-19. The event was moderated by former Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, co-chair of BPC’s SNAP Initiative, and featured humanitarian chef José Andrés, founder, World Central Kitchen; Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-CA-24; and Food and Nutrition Service Administrator Pam Miller. Glickman was joined by panelists Luis Guardia, president, Food Research & Action Center; Joni Holifield, founder and president, HeartSmiles; Tom Stenzel, president and CEO, United Fresh Produce Association; and John R. Tyson, chief sustainability officer, Tyson Foods.
This week’s podcast, BPC Weekly – Episode 43 also addresses food insecurity and features Andrés, Glickman, Holifield, and Guardia.