A few words that resonated with me when I first heard Jimmy McMillan say that during his run for President in 2015. It's true.

Of course the socialists want to use government micromanage the economy. They'll give false hope to the poorest people that they will live in mansions if they will vote for new Democrat policies. The truth is, they are threatening to make things worse.

It's no secret that a lot of peple are struggling to get by - but why? The left will always blame corporations and billionaires, but if any of those people have done any evil, it's been done with government policy.

Right now AOC wants to create more problems, but she is pulling at voter's emotions to make them sound like great ideas. I posted a video breaking down everything she's offering, and proposing a better solution. Please watch this video and share it with your friends.

Click to watch

This mesage is important, and I will soon be running ads for more people to see it. With every dollar you donate, I can reach even more people. Please help by contributing to the budget of this campaign at https://behrman2020.com/donate

In Liberty,

Dan "Taxation Is Theft" Behrman