
As part of our effort to protect health care from judicial attack, we need to take action on behalf of our nation’s seniors—whether we’re speaking for ourselves, our parents or our grandparents. With the Health Care Repeal Lawsuit, the President and the Senate are trying to cut Medicare prescription drug and preventive care benefits for more than 30 million seniors in this country. Our new analysis, Medicare Benefits are Now in Danger, shows these impacts nationally and state by state.

America’s elected officials should not receive better health care than what the American people can get. But the President and Senate are rushing to put a judge on the U.S. Supreme Court who would dramatically increase the chances that the health law gets thrown out. Senior citizens who paid into Medicare for a lifetime could have their benefits yanked away just when they are needed most—in the midst of a deadly pandemic.

Take action now!

1. Call the White House and demand that the administration stop its judicial assault on the health care law

2. Call your senators and demand that they refuse to confirm any Supreme Court nominee who would endanger the health care law

3. Share this call to action and our new analysis with your own networks. You can use this activation email as a template and these template social media posts

To your health,
Melissa Burroughs
Senior Manager, State and National Strategic Partnerships

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