With less than two weeks to go until the end of the 2020 election, the stakes are high. That’s why Our Revolution is organizing as hard as possible to convince Joe Biden to talk more about the fake economic populist lies that Trump used to win the Midwest in 2016 and is trying again in 2020. Will you take our pre-debate survey before it starts at 9:00 p.m. ET tonight and let us know what lies Joe Biden should call Donald Trump out for on stage?
As Trump campaigns in the heartland, he’s using the slogan “Promises Made, Promises Kept” to lie about delivering on his promises to create “more jobs and better wages” and “stop the offshoring” of manufacturing jobs abroad. That’s why Our Revolution is organizing laid-off workers to set the record straight — especially in the “pivot counties” that voted twice for Obama-Biden before going for Trump in 2016. Our Revolution Ohio activist Jon Alexander was recently featured in an NPR story about the shutdown of the GM Lordstown plant in Ohio. Jon told reporter Tamara Keith that when Trump claims “Lordstown is booming,” it’s not reality. “There's no jobs here," said Alexander, a third-generation factory employee at GM Lordstown until it closed. Alexander supported Bernie Sanders in Ohio's Democratic primary and seethes when asked about the president’s claims that Lordstown is booming. "I could have been there right now, working, making a good living, still with my kids," Alexander said. "We're not booming. How are we booming?" We are fighting to stop Donald Trump’s corporate authoritarianism and take our country back for working people, which is why we want to hear from you. Answer our survey before Thursday night's debate to tell us your thoughts on what Biden can do to avoid a repeat of 2016. In solidarity, Our Revolution 