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Dear John,

We are thrilled to celebrate 15 wonderful years of empowering women later this month on September 29. In 2004, Karin Lips, NeW Founder and President, sought out a women's group on campus at the University of Virginia where she and other women could talk about the issues they cared about most. She was disappointed to find out that one did not seem to exist, at least one that was welcoming to conservative women. This is how NeW began.

Each week, it is a privilege to see how NeW impacts conservative women on campuses and in their communities. In celebration of our 15th Anniversary, 15 NeW women shared why NeW is important to them and how it has changed their college experience.

“When I joined NeW, I found a group of women who ended up becoming my best friends on campus. Besides attending social events together, we were also able to engage in lengthy discussions about our political viewpoints, and we helped each other with social networking and career planning. I can’t imagine how my first year would have been without knowing them.”Katerina Dorian, NeW at the University of Virginia

“NeW has not only given me a home in a community of like-minded women, but has empowered me to speak out about my conservative values on campus. I couldn’t be more grateful for my amazing experience with NeW!” – Katy Selinger, NeW at American University

“I’m grateful for organizations like NeW who work tirelessly to promote conservative voices (especially women) and give them tools to succeed professionally.” Kimberly Burton, NeW at Temple University

“NeW has given me amazing opportunities to connect with other conservative women on my college campus and from across the country. In this community I have been able to strengthen the way I talk about conservatism with others and strengthen the skills that I know will carry me through the rest of my time in college and in my career.”  Julia Canzano, NeW at Boston College

"My life would not be the same if I had not gotten involved with NeW. The incredible role models and leaders that I’ve been connected with through the Network of enlightened Women have truly inspired me to be politically active by openly and proudly voicing my conservative views. Emily Hall, NeW at Harvard College
“Prior to my involvement with NeW, I wasn’t decidedly active in voicing my personal and political beliefs on campus—a combination of a lack of confidence and a lack of space to do so. I am so glad that I joined NeW. It provides an outlet to gain confidence, grow in a community of similar beliefs, and empower other women to do the same in the process.” Jamie LeVie, NeW at Baylor University
“NeW has provided me with a girl squad of strong women who empower one another in our shared and different views. It has given me the confidence and comfort to speak up about my beliefs even when I am in the minority. This is invaluable to me as I further develop who I am throughout my college career. NeW has undoubtedly made me a stronger woman.” Sophia Benevento, NeW at the University of Virginia
“NeW has been an important aspect of my college career. As women, we must support one another and build each other up. In today’s society, people disparage those that are not of similar political affiliation. I feel confident and secure in my opinions and found tremendous support within the NeW community. NeW is not about being like-minded, it’s about being open-minded and respectful of differing ideas and opinions.” Michaela Hebbeler, NeW at The Catholic University of America
“Without NeW and the endless encouragement it provides, I would have never felt empowered to be an outspoken conservative on my campus. Being part of NeW at the University of Florida has been one of the greatest highlights of my college career, through connecting me with other strong and inspiring conservative women who are not hesitant to stand up for the values that make America exceptional!” Taylor Roth, NeW at the University of Florida
“Being a part of NeW has been a truly empowering experience. When I first started college, I was a shy freshman who was hesitatant to talk about politics with anyone. By joining NeW, I became surrounded with a supportive community of strong and intelligent women who have given me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and to be an active conservative voice on campus. The support, the opportunities, and the courage that I have gained from NeW have helped me get the most out of my college experience, and for that, I will always be grateful.” Kelly VonEnde, NeW at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
“I attribute my professional growth over the past three years to NeW. Being a Chapter Leader has really shaped me into being an effective leader. Furthermore, NeW has helped me realize the importance of having a network. It’s important to your career to have people in your corner that can vouch for you when the time comes.” Charlotte Townsend, NeW at the College of Charleston
"My favorite part of NeW is the friendships I have built. I have met inspiring women, conservative women activists, and fellow conservative college women from all over the U.S. and they have all taught me so much. I am a much stronger and more confident woman because of my involvement with NeW. The opportunities I have had and the learning I have done through NeW have changed my life for the better!" Maggie Horzempa, NeW at UNC Chapel Hill

"NeW has opened so many doors for me, and I’m so grateful to be a part of such an impactful organization!"Madison Kutruff, NeW at Xavier University

“Whether it is my fellow chapter members, women on other campuses, or the women in NeW leadership, everyone has been there to answer all of my questions and offer advice. NeW is truly a community and it is unlike any other organization that I have been a part of.” Raegan Lehman, NeW at The Catholic University of America

"Over the years, NeW has meant a lot to me. NeW is a community of like-minded women who I feel comfortable being myself around, especially on such a political and liberal campus. The mission of NeW to provide a community for conservative women is very important to me, and I am glad to continue to be involved in the organization." Rebecca Malone, NeW at American University
We are proud of these women for standing strong on their campuses and finding a community with one another, despite the pressures to conform to the liberal mindset of their professors and peers. We invite you to join us in empowering the next generation of conservative female leaders.

Thank you!

Kathryn Alford
Communications Manager
NeW in the News
2019 NeW Essay Contest
We were pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 NeW Essay Contest on August 26, Women's Equality Day. The winner of the College Category is Jaime Fields from Whitman College in Washington and the winner of the High School Category is
Xaviera Lee from Bishop Dunne Catholic School in Texas. Their winning essays were published in the Washington Examiner, co-sponsor of the contest.

Other News
Read and watch some of the recent pieces from and about NeW women.

Sophie Czerniecki and Grace Bannister  |  July 12, 2019

Women won the right to vote conservative, too
Karin Lips  |  August 28, 2019
Ensure Another 15 Years of Empowering Conservative Women
Are you inspired by the work NeW has done over the past 15 years? Your support makes a difference for women like Katerina, Katy, Kimberly, Julia, Sophia, Jamie, Madison, Michaela, Taylor, Kelly, Charlotte, Maggie, Emily, Raegan, and Rebecca, and helps us provide a place of belonging for conservative women. Will you please consider making a tax-deductible gift of $15, $150, $1,500, or your most generous gift and partner with us to grow this community for another 15 years?
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