Over 10 million people are still unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even more have been pushed into poverty due to lower wages, higher cost of living, and an economic system that is not designed to prioritize working-people.
Just look at the system we’ve built. In over 10 years, the federal minimum wage hasn’t increased. Millions of people rely on their employer for health insurance, which is how 12 million people lost their health insurance during a global pandemic.
Everyone who is willing to work should be able to – and we can build a system where those folks can make $15 an hour, get health insurance, childcare, and a basic benefits package. How? A federal jobs guarantee to dramatically upgrade the quality of work in the United States.
We have the resources to provide these opportunities – the only roadblock is our government’s priorities. That’s why we’re asking for your support. Will you add your name as a citizen co-sponsor of a federal jobs guarantee right now?
Having a federal jobs guarantee establishes a floor for the basic treatment of workers in this country – alongside critical training and support for workers. One of our best options to tackle the massive unemployment problem in our country is through a real public works and service regime.
From childcare to environmental conservation to expanding public works like our parks, a federal jobs guarantee can help our nation tackle a variety of challenges while providing good wages that allow working families to deal with their rising costs of living.
And as we transition towards green, renewable energy, a federal jobs guarantee helps support a fair, just transition for fossil fuel workers across the country. But we need broad support to fight for this critical policy. Will you join us?
Together, we can be true to the ideals of the Democratic party – as a multi-racial, working-class party that strikes for racial, social, economic, and environmental justice for all.
In solidarity,
Team AOC
Paid for by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress. Does not equal endorsement.