If the US Supreme Court overturns the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in California v. Texas, coverage will fall considerably in every state, within every age group, and across people of all races and ethnicities, leaving an additional 21.1 million people nationwide uninsured in 2022.
In the second quarter of 2020, gross domestic product (GDP) dropped relative to levels from the previous year in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. But the unique vulnerabilities of certain states, industries, and workers underscore how difficult recovery will be.
Decisions about how state financial aid programs are structured affect who considers, enrolls in, and graduates from college. This new guide lets decisionmakers explore the trade-offs of different program designs.
How can the federal government reduce place-based disparities and support community-driven public safety efforts? On Monday, November 2, join the Urban Institute’s Sarah Rosen Wartell and Jesse Jannetta, the Kresge Foundation’s Rip Rapson, and the Urban Peace Institute’s Fernando Rejón to discuss.
Though philanthropy can’t replace the public sector in providing sorely needed rent relief, evidence suggests it can play a critical role in preventing evictions and stabilizing housing during the pandemic and beyond.