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Tell us why you're a union voter!
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, October 22, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online
[link removed] Phone Bank for Elaine Luria (U.S. Congress, VA 2): Thu, October 22, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
[link removed] MD/DC AFL-CIO Labor 2020 phonebank (PA): Thu, October 22, 6pm - 9pm SNAPPY HOUR, a union women-led textbanking event: Thu, October 22, 6pm - 8pm
Coalition of Labor Union Women
[link removed] Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, October 22, 6pm - 7pm
Metro Washington Council, Community Services Agency and Claimant Advocacy Program staff are teleworking; reach them at the contact numbers and email addresses [link removed] here.
[link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: Building Bridges; Brain Labor Report; Breaktime Breakdown; Heartland Labor Forum; Radio Labour
Election 2020 Special: "Which Of The 2020 Candidates Is A Friend Of The Workers?"; Terrie Martin, candidate for Jackson County commissioner in Southern Oregon; SMART Local 2 member Aaron Mais, running for State Representative in Missouri's 53rd District; Vic Abundis, running in Missouri's 13th House District; the human cost of policies enacted by anti-worker politicians, plus a stirring rendition of Joe Hill's classic labor song, "Rebel Girl."
Tell us why you're a union voter!
The AFL-CIO has launched a [link removed] cool new tool, where you can make your own customizable graphic on why you're a union voter. "This is an awesome tool to show your union pride and encourage people to vote with a custom image," says Metro Washington Council Political Director David Stephen. "I hope everyone uses it so we can amplify the message that working people will be voting, and when we vote we win!" Post on social media and be sure to tag @dclabor, and also send to us at mailto:
[email protected] [email protected]
Today's Labor Quote: Woody Guthrie
Well, you say that I'm an outlaw,
You say that I'm a thief.
Here's a Christmas dinner
For the families on relief
From his song "Pretty Boy Floyd"
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Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] One Day More
Saul Schniderman remembers musician activist Elaine Purkey.
Justice Denied: David Gariff on "Ben Shahn and the Case of Sacco and Vanzetti."
From the Tales from the Reuther Library podcast, "When It Happened Here: Michigan and the Transnational Development of American Fascism."
And, on this week's Labor History in 2: Paul Robeson, "The Voice of an Era."
Last week's show: [link removed] The Package King
Bank robber Charles Arthur "Pretty Boy" Floyd is killed by FBI agents near East Liverpool, Ohio. He was a hero to the people of Oklahoma who saw him as a "Sagebrush Robin Hood," stealing from banks and sharing some of the proceeds with the poor - 1934
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.
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