In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news
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A secretive 2018 agreement between Beijing and the Vatican is on the brink of renewal, despite strident US condemnation and warnings from underground Chinese
priests loyal to Rome that they have only become more marginalised since it was signed.
A Christian NGO says China appears to be strengthening its censorship controls over Christian religious publications that are approved for distribution by
the state.
Pope Francis has given his most explicit support to same-sex civil unions in a move that is likely to further enrage his conservative opponents in the
Catholic church.
A new survey has found that 1 in 5 Catholic likely voters say they accept everything the Church teaches, with young adults being more likely than older
generations to say they agree with Catholic doctrine.
Conservative peer Lord Sarfraz calls on the UK to redouble its humanitarian support for the Rohingyas – who have been described by the UN "as the most
persecuted minority in the world."
Conservative MP Rehman Chishti will introduce a Bill to the House of Commons today to bring about legal recognition of humanist marriages in England and
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