
Early voting continues across Texas and reports indicate over 4 million Texans have already voted! The future direction of Texas, and the entire nation, is at stake on Election Day, November 3rd.

Now is the time to help us rally pro-family Texans to elect God-honoring candidates that will fight to uphold the biblical values of life and religious freedom.

There is not much time, and the enemies of our values are spending millions to transform Texas. A radical Leftist PAC from outside Texas just announced yesterday they are DOUBLING THEIR SPENDING IN TEXAS TO $12 MILLION to flip the Texas House blue.

We need your support RIGHT NOW to respond>>

Today’s Democratic candidates are extreme. Their platform: Abortion-at-any-stage. Pro-LGBTQ “Ban the Bible” bills. Radical sex education for young children. Crushing attacks on religious freedom.

We cannot allow the Texas House to flip Democratic! That would mean saying goodbye to protecting religious freedom or protecting lives of the unborn.

Thanks to your support this election year, we have already made over 1.3 million contacts with values-supporting Texans via targeted calls, texts, mail, and social media ads. 

But with the continued onslaught of out-of-Texas millions, we urgently need your financial support to reach more Texans.

Help us get the TRUTH to as many Texans as possible before Election Day>>

Due to our cost-effective outreach strategies, every $10 dollars you give right now will allow us to equip 100 more Texans. With so much on the line this election, we must DOUBLE OR TRIPLE our reach!

The time is NOW to get pro-family Texans to the polls. Will you help us raise an additional $40,000 by the end of early voting on October 30?

Please make sure to use our pro-family election resources and share with your friends, family & neighbors:

Together with your prayers and financial support, we can ensure Texas remains a beacon of pro-family values!

God Bless Texas, 

Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values Action

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. All donations to Texas Values Action are not tax-deductible and will be used at the sole discretion of Texas Values Action. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.
