A new paper in eLife found that 157 new genes were required during the Cambrian explosion.

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October 21, 2020
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Scientific Paper Reaffirms New Genes Required for Cambrian Explosion

The notion that many genes would be required for the Cambrian explosion may seem unsurprising — what probably is surprising is that anyone would challenge the idea that the Cambrian animals required new genes. After Darwin's Doubt came out, ID-critics actually doubled-down on their claims that the Cambrian animals didn't require new genes! How's that working out for them?

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Stephen Meyer, John Lennox: Against the Tide Sweeps Away Atheist “Power Play”

Stephen Meyer sat down with Against The Tide’s star, Oxford mathematician John Lennox, to talk about Lennox’s life and his thoughts on the ultimate question: Does the universe bear a “stamp” indicating the guidance of a designing intelligence? Lennox’s answer is yes.

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ID by Another Name? Astronomer Says 50 Percent Chance We’re Living in Computer Simulation

Scientific American reports on a Bayesian approach to an interesting question: do we live in “base reality” or a computer simulation? They give it odds of about fifty-fifty either way.

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A Darwinist Recognizes (Some of) the Stakes in the Intelligent Design Debate

Here is a Darwinist with a fair and clear-headed understanding of the intellectual and spiritual stakes in the evolution debate. Or rather, some of the stakes. Jamie Milton Freestone concludes that evolution, if you do think about it seriously, probably can’t be reconciled with religious belief.

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“Castro Consensus”: Scientific Paper Takes a Fresh Look at Scientific Agreement

Those who hold minority opinions argue that the consensus should not be worshipped but questioned. At a time when free speech faces increasing pressure from social media, traditional media, and other power centers, sometimes in the name of the “consensus,” minorities know well the power of groupthink.

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Taking Applications Now to Be Our New Education and Outreach Coordinator!

We are expanding our staff, adding a new Education and Outreach Coordinator to work with Daniel Reeves, who will be stepping up to the role of Education and Outreach Director. This is a junior-level but important position. We’ll be delighted to welcome the right person as a new colleague.

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Calendar  Upcoming Events

Official Launch of The Miracle of the Cell by Michael Denton
October 21, 2020
Online webinar
Online Event Launching Michael Behe’s Latest Book — A Mousetrap for Darwin
November 21, 2020
Online webinar

Video  Videos

Stephen Meyer Invites You To See The New Movie Against The Tide
Against The Tide features Oxford's John Lennox
Evolution and C.S. Lewis: What Did He Really Believe?
With Dr. Mike Peterson
The Forgotten Man
Learn about Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer of the theory of evolution by natural selection

IDTF  ID the Future
  CSC Podcast

Alfred Russel Wallace and His Friendly Battle with Darwin
October 21, 2020
Michael Denton’s Epiphany about Nature’s Fitness for Life
October 20, 2020
Michael Denton: Paradigm Shifts
October 16, 2020
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