Find out if your investments support tobacco and
tobacco-promoting companies |
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Dear John,
How is it possible that healthcare companies have tobacco and tobacco-promoting companies in their retirement plans? Join As You Sow and leading experts for a discussion of our new report, "Smoke & Mirrors: Healthcare Company Retirement Plans Are Addicted to Tobacco." The report uncovers the surprising fact that tobacco is embedded in the retirement plans of many healthcare companies, including United Healthcare, CVSHealth, Pfizer, Abbott Labs, Johnson & Johnson, and Tenet Healthcare.
We will also demonstrate Tobacco Free Funds, a free online tool that exposes mutual fund investments in tobacco.
Smoke & Mirrors:
Healthcare Company Retirement Plans Are Addicted to Tobacco
Wednesday, Oct. 28
11 am PT / 2 pm ET
According to the World Health Organization, tobacco remains a devastating, yet preventable, public health crisis, causing more than 8 million deaths a year. Tobacco and nicotine products also have an outsized negative impact on youth; in recent years there has been a large rise in the use of e-cigarettes. Eighteen percent of kids who get hooked are recruited by tobacco imagery in youth-rated movies. The movie studios and online streaming services are deeply complicit in the tobacco epidemic having failed to establish R-ratings for media content containing smoking imagery. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Surgeon General, this would reduce the number of teen smokers by nearly 1 in 5 and prevent up to 1 million deaths from smoking among
children alive today.
Panelists Include:
David Shugar, Report Author
Phillip Gardiner, Dr. P.H., Co-Chair African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council
Catherine Rowan, Director, Socially Responsible Investments, Trinity Health
Jono Polansky, Advisor, University of California, San Francisco, Smokefree Movies
Dr. Bronwyn King, Founder, CEO, Director, Tobacco Free Portfolios
Danielle Fugere, President, As You Sow
Join this webinar to learn if your retirement plan and investments are supporting tobacco producers and tobacco promoters that are worsening this health crisis.
As You Sow's Invest Your Values tools include: Fossil Free Funds, Deforestation Free Funds, Gender Equality Funds, Weapon Free Funds, Gun Free Funds, and Tobacco Free Funds, which all allow people to "vote with their dollars."
For a just and sustainable future for ALL, |
Andrew Behar
Chief Executive Officer |
As You Sow
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Berkeley, CA 94704
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