From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject The problem standing in our way:
Date October 21, 2020 9:28 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

I'm excited to share this with you -- I'm so proud to have the endorsement of the Star-Ledger, and I'm grateful that others see through my corporate lobbyist opponent's fear-mongering and extremist agenda.

"We'll take the former prosecutor and Navy helicopter pilot who now serves her country in Congress, over a corporate lobbyist who raised our taxes and wants to take away our health care. Vote for Mikie Sherrill."
- The Star-Ledger


Here's the problem that stands in our way: Our opponent and the Washington Republicans and outside groups supporting her are increasing their inflammatory attacks against Democrats like me.

A major GOP super PAC just poured another $18 million into the field, including a six-figure ad buy in New Jersey. That brings the total to $110 MILLION -- all to fuel their lies and attacks to defeat Democrats like me.

If you can, please chip in $5 today to help us fight back against the attacks and set the record straight for voters in these last days before the election.

Thank you for all you do,


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