Check out the latest news from the Massachusetts climate movement!
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What does Colorado's first gigafire ([link removed]) —a fire that burned a million square acres—have to do with Massachusetts? Climate change doesn't care about state boundaries, about East or West, or about red states or blue. Inaction here in Massachusetts can burn trees and homes out in Colorado.
On November 3, and in early voting, we can take action. At the state level, 19 districts can support 100% renewable energy and 16 districts can support transparency of committee votes, holding our leaders accountable if they secretly vote against climate action. One key district is that of Tom Golden, Chair of the Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy Committee, in Lowell and Chelmsford. You can help help voters send a strong message to Golden by signing up to drop off literature. ([link removed])
At the national level, we need to safeguard the democratic process that enables us to support these measures. Pro-democracy groups are gearing up to defend the election ([link removed]) . Here in Massachusetts, you can sign a petition ([link removed]) urging Governor Charlie Baker to respect the results.
In solidarity,
Rosemary Mosco
Newsletter Volunteer
[link removed]
** Ballot Questions Webinar
Did you know that the Nov 3 ballot includes key questions that could help us achieve our climate goals? View a recording of our webinar "What's on the Ballot? ([link removed]) " to hear from a panel of experts as we do a deep dive into the questions and explain how you can help get the word out. For more resources, see this digital toolkit ([link removed]) .
** Other 350 Mass News
Tell Legislators to Invest In Our Recovery: This week we'll be gathering with legislators, and activists from across the state, as well as working people across the city to talk about raising progressive tax revenue to invest in our public services.
RSVP to join a Raise Up/350 Mass Community Briefing to learn and bring 350 MA support the Invest in Our Recovery Campaign! Tune inBrockton tonight @ 6:30 ([link removed]) , and Lowell Thursday @5pm ([link removed]) , check out Western MA same time - 5pm on 10/22 ([link removed]) . Wear something 350 Mass!
Keep Emergency Paid Sick Time Moving: The 350 Mass Solidarity Working Group is taking on Raise Up Mass' Emergency Paid Sick Time campaign ([link removed]) . The EPST legislation is currently with the Ways and Means Committee, so now is the time to push to make sure that it's favorably voted out before the end of the session. If your node is interested in an in-district meeting with your legislator, writing a letter to the editor, or supporting the campaign in other ways, contact
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) or
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) .
A note of optimism from 350 Mass Newton: A week ago, on Wednesday, October 14, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller shared the news that earlier that day she had negotiated and signed a new, three-year contract for Newton Power Choice. The standard option in the new community choice aggregation contract will have 80% renewable energy from Newton England Class 1 sources, excluding biomass, 18% higher than the current contract at 62%. The program will have an opt-up to 100% and an opt-down to the base state-mandated level of renewables, currently at 16%, and, as is required by law, will have an opt-out choice as well. This won came after the 350 Mass Newton node collected over 400 signatures ([link removed]) for their public letter urging Mayor Fuller to embrace 100% renewable options in negotiations.
Burma Shave Standouts Draw Attention to Pending Climate Legislation: Taking inspiration from the roadside advertisements for Burma-Shave in the 1930s, teams of volunteers are standing on busy commuter routes, each member holding one of a series of signs that, combined, spell out a message. Activists hope that their visibility will cause people to pay more attention to the climate omnibus bill currently in committee. To learn more and take part, join 350 Mass' direct action wing, Climate Courage ([link removed]) .
Click here ([link removed]) for more background and for model scripts you can use for calling or emailing your Rep and Senator ([link removed]) about the pending climate legislation.
Write a Letter to the Editor: There's never been a better time to take part in 350 Mass' Letters to the Editor (LTE) team. Want to join? Email Alan Palm, Director of Organizing, at
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) to find out more. Our members have a great success rate in getting letters published! Read some of them here:
* Mary Memmot's letter in the Boston Globe: Nominee calls policy issue ‘contentious’ (somewhere, Galileo is heard muttering) ([link removed])
* Brent Whelan's letter in the Boston Globe: Much depends on the court's ability to respond to this existential threat ([link removed])
* Janice Kubiac's letter in Sentinel & Enterprise: Barrett keeps Democrats, Trump at bay in Senate ([link removed])
* Craig Thompson's letter in the Lowell Sun: The real wildfire story isn't the climate tale you've been told ([link removed])
* Donna Southwell's letter in the Boston Globe: Candidates — and voters — should make climate a priority. ([link removed])
** Other Climate Movement News
Sunday Lecture—Land as a Commons: Building the New Economy: Sunday, October 25, 2020, George Monbiot will speak addressing the topic “Land as a Commons: Building the New Economy.” The lecture will address the problems generated by a concentration of ownership, and ways of creating a more fair and equitable system. The virtual event will be moderated by Jodie Evans and Greg Watson and will take place at 1 pm Eastern Daylight Time (10 AM PDT/5 PM GMT). The talk and the live-streamed discussion following will be free to all registered. Register here. ([link removed])
** Solidarity Opportunities
More Signatures Needed to Protect Boston’s Largest Project to House Residents Experiencing Homelessness: Monty Gold, a large landowner and landlord with a poor track record of keeping up his properties, has filed a lawsuit against the biggest affordable housing project for people who have experienced homelessness of its kind in Boston. The project is run by Pine Street Inn, a nationally recognized leader that operates similar facilities with excellent track records. Learn more and sign the petition here. ([link removed])
Is this newsletter a helpful resource? Help us make it possible by donating ([link removed]) today!
** About Better Future Project and 350 Mass
Better Future Project (BFP) ([link removed]) builds grassroots power to advance a rapid transition beyond fossil fuels. 350 Mass ([link removed]) is Better Future Project's volunteer-led climate action network.
We're on Facebook ([link removed]) and Twitter ([link removed]) . Did you receive this email from a friend? You can subscribe here. ([link removed])
Questions? Email Alan Palm,
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected])
Upcoming Node Meetings
All are welcome! Use the password 350ma.
Wed, Oct 21, 6-8 pm
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Boston (including Allston-Brighton)
Tue, Nov 10, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Tue, Oct 27, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Cape Cod
Thu, Nov 12, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Charles River
Wed, Oct 21, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Greater Franklin
Thu, Nov 5, 7-9 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Wed, Oct 28, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Wed, Oct 28, noon-1:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Thu, Nov 5, 6:45-8:30 pm
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Tue, Oct 20, 7-9 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
North Shore
Tue, Nov 3, 6:30-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
South Coast
Tue, Oct 27, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom Link ([link removed])
South Shore
Tue, Oct 20, 7:30-9 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Upper Charles
Mon, Oct 26, 7-8:30 pm
Zoom link ([link removed])
Sun, Oct 25, 4:15-6 pm
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