CLUE: Building a Just and

Sacred Society

Dear Friend --

Despite our intense housing crisis, about to get even worse because of the covid19 pandemic, the City considers hotels residential when it benefits hotel developers and means less affordable housing and considers them commercial when it means more hotels, less affordable housing.?

Please stop developer giveaways, click here to send a letter to City Councilmembers and the Planning Commission on three projects and fight for the housing we desperately need.? Please send it today, one of the projects is being heard later this afternoon, no matter where you live in Los Angeles.

At the Venice Place project, with 78 hotel rooms and only 4 apartments, the Planning Department claims that that the project is "predominately residential" and that hotel uses are residential, allowing it to exempt the project from setback and lot consolidation requirements.?

But for the Wilshire La Brea project, represented by the same developer representative, it said hotels were commercial and not residential units in order to allow the project to get an environmental exemption because hotel rooms do not have kitchens.?

At the James Wood Project, the developer is proposing an 100 unit hotel that will have kitchenettes targeting extended-stay customers but refused to apply affordable housing requirements.

This cannot stand, especially during a housing crisis!? Please send a letter to our Councilmembers and the West LA Planning Commission regarding these projects.?


In faith and solidarity,?

Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice

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CLUE: Building a Just and Sacred Society ? 464 Lucas Ave, Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 90017, United States
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