From Greg Ehrie, ADL VP of Law Enforcement & Analysis <[email protected]>
Subject Four ways to promote a safe election
Date October 21, 2020 7:47 PM
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Dear John,

The right to vote is central to the success of our democracy, so the unique challenges of 2020 have taken on outsize importance as we move toward an election unlike any in our history.

We&rsquo;ve heard from so many people in the ADL community who are concerned that extremists will seek to exploit this moment to derail the voting process.

Reliable information is your most valuable tool this election season, and ADL is here to help.

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Amid the noise and chaos, it has never been more important to keep people informed about extremist activity and rhetoric, but we don&rsquo;t want to amplify vitriol and anger, scare voters into sitting out the election, or re-broadcast lies about election fraud.

Here are several ways that you can work with ADL to help prevent extremism and other disruptions to our elections.

Report Incidents

ADL is working toward securing a free and fair election. If you personally experience or witness an incident of hate, bias, antisemitism or extremism in connection with the 2020 elections, please share it with ADL through
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our incident-response tool, or by texting &lsquo;hatehelp&rsquo; to 51555 so we know when and where incidents are happening. However, if you experience an incident specifically related to exercising the right to vote, we encourage you to call the election protection hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

Counter Extremism

We have compiled
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a practical guide for state and local governments to use to counter election-motivated extremism; you may find the guide helpful in your understanding of these concerns as well. We are also working directly with local governments and law enforcement to craft tailored approaches to countering extremism while strictly preserving individual liberties.

Stay Informed

We have seen spikes in antisemitic social media posts against both Democratic and Republican
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Jewish members of congress,
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anti-Asian sentiment and conspiracy theories after the President&rsquo;s COVID diagnosis, and
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surges in anti-Black and antisemitic postings on both public platforms like Facebook and private channels like Telegram. To stay informed each week so you can speak out against hate, dip into our fascinating
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&lsquo;At the Extremes&rsquo; news briefs about the role extremism is playing in our current political environment.

Get Out and Vote

Voting early is one of the best ways to ensure Election Day is safer and more accessible for all voters. October 24th is National Vote Early Day!

- Prepare: ADL&rsquo;s
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voter tool can help you check your registration and local early voting options.
- Share:
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Securing a Free and Fair Election: Social Media Toolkit.
- Learn:
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Let&rsquo;s Talk about Voting! Table Talk for your family or classroom.
The integrity of our election is vital, and it will take the concerted effort of all of us to ensure a safe and fair election this year. Your voice can play an important role in countering extremism and other appeals to bigotry and hate, and in voter education and engagement.

But together, we can do it.


Greg Ehrie

VP, Law Enforcement & Analysis


P.S. Never Is Now starts on November 8! Never Is Now is the world’s largest Summit on antisemitism and hate, and this year for the first time, it&rsquo;s virtual and free. Our expert analysis of vital topics like Extremism and the Elections will keep you informed about developments in the fight against hate.
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Register today so you can add your voice to the global conversation in combating antisemitism and bias of all kinds.
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