America is demanding action on gun violence prevention. Every day we live in fear that our children, family or friends will have their lives taken from them at any moment by a person who has no business owning a weapon. This is not the America that any of us want to live in.

The solution is clear: it’s time to pass common-sense gun reform, like background checks and banning assault rifles. The vast majority of Americans agree.

But Mitch McConnell is showing his loyalty to the gun lobby and blocking all votes on the Senate floor that have to do with gun violence prevention.

Enough is enough. Join me in telling Mitch McConnell to listen to the American people and stop blocking the vote on common-sense gun reform!

Sign the Petition

We deserve better. The countless families who have suffered the loss of a child or parent because of senseless gun violence deserve better.

It’s time to take this vote to the Senate floor. If you’re with me on this, add your name to my petition now.

Thank you,
Josh Gottheimer





Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress

Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress
PO Box 584
Ridgewood NJ 07451 United States